Vikram is one actor who never fails to surprise us with his wonderful performance in every film. The actor is quite excited about his upcoming Deiva Thiirumagal, which will grace theatres this Friday. In the film Vikram plays the role of Krishna, who has a developmental disorder and is the father of a six-year-old child. The film tells the story of the relationship between a mentally challenged father and his six-year-old daughter.
"Every artiste has played their part perfectly; that is the biggest highlight of the film. GV's background music is amazing he has taken music to the next level. Nirav Shah's camera works are picture perfect. The film gave me a lot of scope to act and I am truly happy. We cannot classify Deiva Thiirumagal under any genre; hats off to director Vijay," Vikram said at a press meet in Chennai. Vikram also revealed that he was touched by the Censor Board?s gesture when they sent him a bouquet after watching the movie.
?It is not an art film, as misconstrued by many. It has the right mix of humour, sentiment, romance, amazing background scores by G.V. Prakash, great camera works by Nirav Shah. It is a true commercial film which has been handled in a realistic way by Vijay,? he added.
Deiva Thiirumagal Press Meet pictures
Deiva Thiirumagal Press Meet Part 1
Deiva Thiirumagal Press Meet Part 2
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